
before submitting your publication to the google news app, review and address any issues.

Google News aggregator collects articles from over 20,000 publishers worldwide. It is a powerful tool for people to get the latest news from their own region.  TIP The Google News service is available in roughly 30 languages. The service monitors news websites for the most relevant info and provides readers with a news compilation on a variety of topics and categories. Thus, Google News is an additional source of website traffic for news media. In this review, you will learn  how to get on Google News and  its requirements. You will discover the main tips for getting accepted by Google News service. Learn  how to start a media company . Google requirements Before submitting your website for inclusion into Google News, you have to follow Google’s guidelines first. To compete with other publishers, check your news source for corresponding to Google requirements.  Webmaster guideline Content policies Technical guidelines The first guideline is about helping Google


